PIXTA is Japanese leading marketplace site of stock photos, illustrations, vectors and footage. Launched in May 2006 with only a few hundreds of images and 50 contributors, we have grown as one of the largest stock image providers in Japan.

PIXTA is sourced by diverse contributors such as stock photo agencies, professional photographers / illustrators / videographers and highly qualified amateur creators.
They are enjoying this open and flat marketplace in many different styles:
Some contributors are motivated to show their works and get recognition from other people, and others are successful in maximizing their revenues by producing well selling images.
PIXTA’s images are used for various kinds of professional creative projects such as advertisements, Web design, publications and TV programs.
Many of our customers are designers, web directors, publishers or other creative professionals.Stock images enable them to achieve highly qualified and effective visuals while saving a lot of time and money.
A diverse community of contributors brings a variety of images, and massive image collections attract buyers from all over the world, then good sales encourage more contributors to produce new images... that’s how our marketplace keeps growing, like a kind of “virtuous circle”.
They are enjoying this open and flat marketplace in many different styles:
Some contributors are motivated to show their works and get recognition from other people, and others are successful in maximizing their revenues by producing well selling images.
PIXTA’s images are used for various kinds of professional creative projects such as advertisements, Web design, publications and TV programs.
Many of our customers are designers, web directors, publishers or other creative professionals.Stock images enable them to achieve highly qualified and effective visuals while saving a lot of time and money.
A diverse community of contributors brings a variety of images, and massive image collections attract buyers from all over the world, then good sales encourage more contributors to produce new images... that’s how our marketplace keeps growing, like a kind of “virtuous circle”.

E-commerce platform for digital contents
Making good use of crowdsourcing
Managing huge data volumes with cloud computing
Being a service for creative industry
As an open and flat marketplace, we welcome both professional and amateur contributors.
On the other hand, we’ve been trying to keep the quality of images and user interface appropriate for business use. For example, making image reviewing system scalable to thousands of images uploaded everyday and improving our image search system to make it much easier to find the best images are one of our most important issues.
Our business model --matching contributors’ images and buyers-- is really simple, however, we do everything to support this with sophisticated systems and latest technologies.
Our business model --matching contributors’ images and buyers-- is really simple, however, we do everything to support this with sophisticated systems and latest technologies.